Gameboy Tetris game 1st edition!

All the ©️ for the game obviously go to the firstly ever creator of it i.e. Alexey Pajitnov, as well as to Nintendo and it's awesome console created in April 21, 1989 i.e. GameBoy, with which I've spent too many hours with it when I was a little kid.

This is simply a copy of the original Tetris game written in 🍦 JavaScript and being playable in the browser from whatever device or operating system that can run a browser program. It's purpose is to make you feel a bit nostalgic and remind you of those unforgetable, amazing hours that you've spent with it!!

⬅️ - move block left
➡️ - move block right
⬆️ - rotate block clockwise
⬇️ - drop block

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